With the effect of "frequency-transfering" and friction damping, the damping-sleeves reduce the peak of the vibration notably. 阻尼套筒通过“移频”和干摩擦阻尼作用,有效地降低了组合结构的振动峰值;
The E_H/ E_I ratio for the mass-proportional damping model is the biggest one, with the increase of peak ground velocity to acceleration ratio ( V/ A), the E_H/ E_I ratio for the Rayleigh and stiffness-proportional damping model will be close to mass-proportional damping model. 采用质量比例阻尼模型计算获得的结构滞回耗能比最大,随着地震波峰值速度与峰值加速度比值(V/A)的增大,刚度比例和瑞雷阻尼模型的计算结果会与质量比例阻尼模型趋于一致。
The effects of coating and heat treatment on the damping peak of C/ SiC composites were studied. 研究了涂层和热处理对C/SiC复合材料阻尼峰的影响。
SIS/ hydrocarbon resin blend showed better damping property than SIS, with broader effective damping temperature range and higher tan δ peak. SIS/石油树脂共混物的有效阻尼温度范围和tanδ峰值较大,高温阻尼性能较SIS好;
Effect of heat treatments on the damping peak of sic_p/ 6061al MMC produced by spray codeposition 热处理对喷射共沉积SiCP/6061Al复合材料内耗峰的影响
The high-temperature thermal treatment can make the damping peak value of 2D C/ SiC composites decrease. 高温热处理使2DC/SiC复合材料阻尼峰降低。
Consequently, the limit damping force of the unequal model proves the peak damping force ( yield shear force) of the equal model. 证明了非均匀模型的极限阻尼力是均匀模型的最大阻尼力(屈服剪力)。
The damping peak value of 2D C/ SiC composites decreases with the increase of the vibration frequency. 2DC/SiC复合材料阻尼峰随加载频率的升高而降低;
In this paper, the three-level electro-hydraulic servo valve controller has been improved with the correction methods. As a result, the increased damping and the reduced resonance peak value make the dynamic response of the servo valve raise. 论述了通过三级电液伺服阀控制器的改进,利用校正环节提高三级电液伺服阀的阻尼,降低谐振峰值,进而提高三级电液阀的动态响应。
This method aligns frequency at first, then extends CPCA to the correction of damping factor shifts in a single resonant peak across spectra. 该方法首先对频率进行校正,然后拓宽CPCA的应用范围,把它使用到衰减系数偏移校正领域。
The damping capacity of 2D C/ SiC composites prepared by CVI process was measured, and the damping mechanism of the composites was discussed. Furthermore, the effects of the coating, test frequency and thermal treatment on the damping peak of the composites were analyzed. 测试了CVI工艺制备的2DC/SiC复合材料的阻尼性能,讨论了其阻尼机制,分析了涂层、测试频率和热处理等因素对其阻尼峰的影响。
Under the same conditions, with higher viscosity coefficient of damping media, the output response curve became smoother, besides the peak voltage became lower. 在其它条件相同情况下,阻尼介质粘滞系数越大,响应输出曲线越光滑,但其峰值电压也相应越低。
This ranges of oscillated nonlinear roll damping moment are in proportion to the rate of roll amplitudes variations. Thus the peak of the damping moment appears as variation of the roll amplitudes is maximum. 而非线性阻尼力矩的变化幅值,则是正比于角振幅的变化率,其峰值便出现在振幅变化最陡的位置。
It was found that the addition of RE could delay the temperature of damping peak. RE的加入推迟了温度内耗峰出现的温度。
With the aid of the method for determining damping ratio in structural dynamic experiment the so called stationarity index is used to estimate the gentleness of the peak's slope. 借助结构动力试验中阻尼比的确定方法,提出用平稳度指数来评价单峰点包线函数平缓程度。
There exists a damping peak in all of the alloys with different temperature because of the viscous sliding or slipping of the grain boundaries and interfaces at high temperature. 由于高温下合金中相界面的软化及粘性滑动,四种合金在高温下均存在一个温度内耗峰,只是出现的温度不同。
A variety of experimental methods are available to measure the damping properties of metals, because damping can be characterized by the decay of free oscillations, the width of the resonance peak or the phase lag between stress and strain. 由于自由衰减速率,共振峰宽度和应力-应变相位差都能够反映金属材料的阻尼性能高低,阻尼测试方法较多。
SiC coating can significantly reduce the damping capacity of 2D C/ SiC composites, and eliminate the damping peak on the damping characteristic curve. SiC涂层可大幅度降低2DC/SiC复合材料的阻尼性能,消除阻尼特性曲线上的阻尼峰;
The experimental results show that the damping capacity increases lineally with the torsion strain. The maximum of logarithmic decrement reaches 0.1 when the torsion strain value is 1 × 10-4.There is no damping peak during this process. 研究结果表明,在常温条件下合金的阻尼性能随扭转应变的增加而呈线性方式增加,扭转应变在1×10-4时,对数衰减率达0.1,且没有出现峰值;
The influence of structural damping coefficients on the peak value of the response of the vibration generator was investigated to determine the damping parameter according to the calculations of frequency response on the vibration generator. 通过对仿真模型进行频率响应计算,研究了阻尼对振动台响应峰值的影响情况,确定了各阻尼系数的取值。
Results show that, by adding damping layer, the brake noise in the frequency distribution, noise probability and measured peak values have been reduced at different levels, so the tests verified that damping noise reduction method can reduce the noise generated probability. 结果显示,在添加阻尼层后,制动器噪声不管是在分布的频率、产生噪声的概率还是测得的峰值声压级都有不同程度的降低,试验再次验证了阻尼降噪方法可以降低噪声的产生概率。
The peak of loss factor of damping materials moved to the high temperature with little change in peak after the bubbles removed. Second, the influencing factor of constrained damping structure were studied, including damping layer thickness and different damping materials. 第二,约束阻尼结构复合阻尼性能影响因素研究,包括阻尼层厚度、不同阻尼材料对阻尼结构的影响。
The DMA results show that the resulting complex damping materials have no transition peak split, but possess broad and continuous damping functional area. DMA测试结果表明,所制得的复合阻尼材料不分峰,具有宽而连续的阻尼功能区。
The most commonly recurring problems in the rotor system of aero-engines are excessive steady state synchronous vibration levels. It may be reduced by introducing external damping to limit the peak amplitude at traversed critical speeds. 航空发动机转子系统最常见的问题是由稳态同步进动引起的剧烈振动,为了减小转子振动,通常引入外部阻尼降低转子过临界转速时的振动峰值。
The method of increasing system damping energy dissipation is the most direct and effective approach in the design of low noise plate strucutres, as it not olny reduce the peak value of the structural resonance, but also enhance the vibration resistance and dynamic stability of the system. 在进行薄板结构低噪声设计时,基于增加结构阻尼耗能的处理方法是最为直接、有效的,它不仅可以降低结构的响应峰值,还能提高机械系统在动态环境下的抗振性和稳定性。
It was proved that P1 was the peak of dislocation damping and P2 was the peak of grain boundary or interface damping. 经过证实,P1峰为位错内耗峰,P2峰为晶界内耗峰。
The result showes that, compared to the anti-seismic structure, each of these three programs has a positive impact in the damping effect. Especially, the isolation layer damping can consume the seismic energy and reduce the peak of seismic response. 结果表明,相对于抗震结构,这三种隔震方案都有着明显的减震效果,而隔震层的阻尼能消耗地震能量,削弱地震响应的峰值,对隔震结构非常有利。
The results show that the abnormal temperature increase before the earthquake had the process of starting enhancing peaking damping quieting then earthquake again and the earthquake did not occur at the peak of the long-wave radiation anomaly, but occurred a month after the long-wave radiation anomaly quieting. 结果表明,震前异常增温呈现起始-加强-高峰-衰减-平静-再发震的过程,地震不是发生在长波辐射异常达到高峰时,而是发生在长波辐射异常已经平静的一个月后。